Training Course Agendas
All of our training courses are provided at no charge.
These course agendas are a representation of the course material presented for the specific classes. All material is subject to change depending on the specific needs of the clients at each course.
BRE 600: Webinar – Flue Gas CCUS
This webinar delves into the steps of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) from flue gas, focusing on key technical aspects. The first part of the webinar focuses on flue gas pretreatment to remove contaminants
such as SOx and NOx. Next will be a discussion of available options to remove CO2 from the flue gas, including a comparison of different solvents and process setups using ProMax. The third part discusses CO2 compression and the
challenges with simulating supercritical CO2. An overview of possible storage and utilization options of the captured CO2 will also be covered. Access to ProMax is not needed for this webinar, which will take approximately 2 hours.
The webinar is hosted over WebEx, and information on how to connect to the session will be provided after registration.
For more information about a particular BRE 600: Webinar course please
Contact Training.
- Overview of flue gas CCUS
- Flue Gas Pretreatment - SOx and NOx removal
- Carbon Capture - comparison of different solvents (focus on MEA and AMP+ PZ) and process setups
- CO2 Compression
- CO2 Storage and Utilization
- ProMax support and trainings in CCUS