All Testimonials

We (PetroSkills, John M Campbell) have used ProMax and predecessor programs since its earliest days as TSWEET, DEHY etc in the 70’s.

Today’s ProMax has an enviable, un-matched continuity for 50 years. This continuity in both software and the underlying technology is a great help for users around the world. Their early adoption of a Graphical User Interface and seamless links with Excel and other Microsoft programs increased its utility.

Their customer support is consistently among the best in the industry in terms of technical support in modeling your facility operations thru’ to estimating emissions, etc.. They are more than happy to work with their client engineers in getting models to converge that match and support plant data. This type of service is nearly unheard of from other software vendors.

In addition, BRE/ProMax have always actively supported industry research, the results of which are incorporated in updates. These updates are complemented with operating input. Their support of industry trade groups and research in thermodynamics is what sets them apart from others.

Congratulations on the 50th birthday!

PetroSkills | John M. Campbell
John Morgan
Chairman Emeritus
Kindra Snow-McGregor, P.E.
Process Facilities Discipline Manager
GPSA Rocky Mountain District BoD – elect 2024-2026

I have been working with ProMax since 2009. For these many years as a ProMax user, I have seen BR&E develop and improve its software so much that I must keep learning it with training classes and working with BR&E support group frequently. BRE keeps adding many new features to meet user’s needs. That is what I like about ProMax development. It takes me from the process simulation, pipeline, GIS, downhole simulation, to environmental evaluation needs and there are many more features that I have not gotten to use. ProMax features a wide range of spectrum for its users. I would take BRE software over anything else and go to work anywhere. My experience with BR&E support is exceptional. I could not navigate through the software without the great support from BR&E staff. Thank you very much for the great simulation package! Happy 50th anniversary! Let’s make another 50th great year of software development.

Kha Mach, P.E.
Environmental and Regulatory Engineer
Matador Resources Company

Hard to believe BR&E is celebrating 50 years in business! I first used TSWEET about 20 years ago while working as a design engineer for an EPC, and I have continued to use ProMax while working as a process design engineer, process engineer, unit engineer, and so on. While there is a lot to like about the functionality and continuous improvement of the software, there are two main reasons why I continue to use and recommend this simulation software. 1) The user interface is simpler and better than any other option, making ProMax easy and enjoyable to use! 2) Customer service! Whether I have an easy question, a difficult question, or a crazy idea, I know my contacts at BR&E will respond quickly and provide exceptional engineering advice. Congrats on 50 years!

Kevin Daines
Engineering Specialist
HF Sinclair

Wow, 50 years! Congratulations to the entire BR&E family. I have used BR&E’s software for over 35 years myself, dating back to 1989 using TSWEET® (a precursor of PROMAX®) on a Compaq 286 portable computer (14 lbs. - 12 MHz w 20 MB Hard Drive). I have run 1000’s of simulations over the years, both for new designs and existing units. I enjoyed beta testing new features in PROMAX that were being introduced and one of my favorites was the scenario tool. I set up 50 or 100 case studies and let the program generate tons of output data. Using some of the advanced features, I designed the world’s largest high pressure amine reclaimers for use in the Middle East. PROMAX is truly a great simulation tool.

I have evaluated other simulation software but stayed with PROMAX all these years due to my comfort level and trust I had with the results and knowing when a questionable result was not always achievable. Other programs were not as easy to identify these situations and with PROMAX, I could recognize when “junk data input gets junk data output”. For existing units, if your results don’t match field data it would almost always point to either an input error or bad field data. I am amazed how many times the gas analysis was incorrect because the client had not checked it since start-up. Anyway, congratulations again to BR&E and keep up the great work.

Patrick E. Holub, P.E.
PEHCON Consulting Services LLC

I’ve been working with the BR&E engineering team prior to my graduation in 1984. In fact, using TSWEET on a dial-up modem was a big part of our 4th year chemical engineering project.

I’ve used BR&E’s engineering software programs for over 40 years, and they have been an essential part of my engineering toolbox. When I develop and present simulations to clients, I’m confident that the answers will be reflected in real world solutions. In hundreds of gas and liquids processing facilities, ProMax® has been used as the key design tool. Clients have successfully invested billions based on ProMax’s engineering work/software and I am confident that this has immeasurably boosted the credibility and the success of the hydrocarbon processing industry.

As we move into the next phase of energy development, ProMax is being used by hundreds of clients worldwide to develop and understand carbon capture technologies, renewable fuels, and hydrogen projects.

For over 40 years of my career, it has been a pleasure to work with the BR&E team. They have stepped up on numerous occasions to manage my quirky requests (often on evenings and weekends), update and provide solutions where necessary, and have become essentially a partner in hundreds (if not thousands) of process projects. This is the hallmark of professionalism.

Jim Maddocks

In my memory Worley Oman’ journey with BR&E has been more than 20 years. In a nutshell this journey has been excellent and productive.

To start with training, we have no young engineers available who hasn’t received the training from BR&E. It is not only the number but also in terms of quality training which I could make out by talking to young talents in the floor. Your coverage of training is really widespread and well structured to cater for the business we do.

In terms of supports, I don’t remember any incident when we requested your support, and you haven’t responded. Trust your supports have been very apt and on time.

In summary, as a team we have become very agile and enriched and delivering to the expectations of our Clients. Trust, BR&E has strong role to play in this endeavor.

Asis Kumar Ghosh
Discipline Manager, Process
Worley Oman

I may be one of the few people who can say they worked for BR&E at three separate times in my career and have now become a customer! My first part-time job in 1983 was truly the early years for BR&E with less than a handful of employees.

My second stint at BR&E came about when Jerry Bullin recruited me away from Dow Chemical during a tour of our facility. This was still in the early days of personal computers and involved me hauling around a Compaq computer the size of a small suitcase! I had to become very proficient at small talk since the simulation runs took quite a while.

My third time at BR&E from 1992 to 2004 was such an exciting period in process simulation capabilities particularly with improvements in user interface and flexibility.

One thing that has remained true in my time with BR&E is the customer support experience. In all my years as an employee and now a customer, quality support has always been readily available, effective, and patient! Congratulations on 50 years!

Christina Daniels

Our 15-year journey with Bryan Research & Engineering, LLC (BR&E) has been nothing short of transformative. As the Technical Manager at Sinopec Engineering Incorporation, I have seen ProMax® software significantly enhance our operations. Its intuitive design and robust capabilities have optimized our process modeling, reducing costs and improving efficiency.

BR&E’s commitment to customer support is commendable. Their business development and technical support representative for the East Asia Mr. Wu Di, has been particularly instrumental. His technical assistance and comprehensive training programs have empowered our team to fully leverage the software’s potential, fostering continuous learning and improvement.

Integrating ProMax® was a milestone for us, revolutionizing our chemical engineering workflows. The invaluable insights and support provided by the BR&E team have ensured our operations remain at the forefront of industry standards.

As we celebrate BR&E’s 50-year milestone, we acknowledge their indispensable role in our success and eagerly anticipate many more years of fruitful partnership.

Thank you, BR&E, for being a cornerstone of our journey.

Li Jian
Technical Manager, Process Engineering Department
Sinopec Engineering Incorporation

Congratulations on BR&E's 50th anniversary.

Through PROMAX, I have benefited from various plant engineering solutions and have achieved outstanding results, especially in designing factories related to acid gas treatment. PROMAX has become a tool used by many engineers and businesses. I acknowledge that BR&E's technology and products have played an important role in the industry.

This 50th anniversary is the result of BR&E's continued efforts. It is expected that BR&E will continue to grow and develop in the future, and I hope that BR&E will continue to become a trusted partner through innovative solutions. Congratulations once again on your 50th anniversary, and I hope you continue to walk a successful path.

Shim Jae Bong
Senior Manager (Plant Basic Engineering Office, Process Engineering Team)
Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd.

I have been a Promax user for over 15 years, and even further since the days of TSWEET. During all these years I can happily say that Promax and the BR&E team have been an excellent companion during my journey in gas treating. It is my day-to-day tool to model existing amine sweetening units and for the design of new facilities. The software is extremely user-friendly and intuitive. Its help section is impressive, filled with engineering references and guidelines very useful for any engineer. Additionally, the BR&E support team is always available and well trained to deal with many of the challenges that arise when modeling gas treating units. Furthermore, their willingness to improve the software every day to make it as robust and accurate as possible turns Promax from just being a good software into an obligated tool and reference in gas treating applications.

Carlos Garcia
Gas Treating Engineer
Huntsman Performance Products

Happy 50th! Doesn’t seem possible it’s been that long.

As I sat down to think about the history of BR&E, a number of things came to mind. Some of them relate to the early days of TSWEET, ProSIM, Dehy, etc. using DOS. I remember one of my colleagues returning from overseas with what was left of a dongle, still plugged in and working. It had to be extracted from the laptop with needle nose pliers. The move to the new building was exciting and it’s hard to believe that BR&E has filled it up.

Very early, I came to appreciate that BR&E went the extra mile to make sure that the software got the best answer possible with the technology of the day. TSWEET provided the flexibility needed and allowed us to troubleshoot plant operations. During the painful transition from DOS to Windows, we waited in anticipation but relied on TSWEET to make sure our designs were sound.

Now ProMax is considered the industry standard. Regardless of the system, one thing that always stood out was the great support from BR&E.

Dan McCartney
Gas Advisor
McCartney Gas Advisors, LLC

We believe that the support provided by BR&E to PCG gasification is commendable, as we have developed the model since FY2019-2020. Currently, our entire PCG model is in ProMax, where all models are predicting real-life plant behavior.

The model has been utilized in troubleshooting critical issues in the downstream unit, as well as optimizing plant operations. I would like to thank you for your approachable behavior during emergencies and for resolving model convergence issues throughout the past four years.

BR&E has not only supported us in developing the model but has also provided excellent technical services in addressing critical technological issues related to both the downstream and upstream units. Thank you for all the necessary support you have provided throughout the entire gasification journey. We look forward to continued healthy support from BR&E.

ShivPrakash Mishra
Technical Manager
Gasifier CTS - Reliance Industries Limited

Mustang is a small natural gas gathering and processing company, so I have responsibilities for every aspect of that type of operation. ProMax has features that help me with many of the engineering requirements of my job. I have used ProMax for everything from gathering system design and debottlenecking, compressor station design, Air Quality regulatory requirements, and cryogenic process modeling. The free training is outstanding. The technical support is unmatched.

I have worked with Barry Burr and Gavin McIntyre for nearly 2 decades and they have my complete trust. I can’t say that about many of the vendors I have dealt with in my career.

Gerry Wooten
Senior Engineering Manager
Mustang Gas Products

Happy 50th To BR&E! Where does the time go? I’ve worked with ProMax for 20+ years with my first exposure being back in the 2002–2003 time frame when another engineer introduced me to what he was doing with it to design a 20 MMSCFD natural gas refrigeration plant.

I really appreciate all the support that BR&E offers; it certainly makes all the others I’ve worked with pale in comparison. It blows me away that there is always someone at BR&E who can successfully troubleshoot problems I’m having with my model, advise me on how best to do something, extract information, or simply provide me a template for a new process. BR&E saves me a great deal of time and effort.

At my age, I can remember when gathering all information was much more of a manual process. Handling thermodynamic work and PSV calculations was more of a chore back then, and I’m glad BR&E is around, enabling me to simulate and provide for further safety integrity to the personnel, plants, and systems I help support. I could not even begin to think about how to approach this without ProMax. It’s an indispensable tool for what I do.

Randal Askey, PE
Aka Energy Group

Hi guys. ProMax continues to be a fantastic tool that I count on daily. I am still very appreciative of the learning opportunities that BRE provided me as a first job. The support crew will always be the best in the game, and I constantly find myself comparing any other company’s support (P.S. they always lose). P.S.S. Peter is the greatest, give him all the raises. Miss & love y’all!

Dominic Johnson
Kinder Morgan

I really like using ProMax modeling software. The technical support team is great and always helpful. Definitely my preferred simulator program.

Kelsey Thomas
EOG Resources

I must say, it was an incredibly enriching experience. I’m new to Promax, I found the training to be exceptionally beneficial in expanding my understanding of the software and its applications in carbon capturing. One of the standout features of the training was its interactive nature. Instead of a traditional lecture-style format, the sessions were heavily exercise-based, allowing us to immerse ourselves in practical applications right from the start. This hands-on approach not only made the learning process more engaging but also helped solidify concepts in a way that simply listening to a presentation couldn't achieve. Mr. Ivan, our trainer, deserves immense praise for his exceptional subject knowledge. His expertise in Promax and carbon capturing was evident throughout the training. He was not only able to effectively convey complex concepts but also provided invaluable insights and real-world examples, which greatly enhanced our understanding. Moreover, the training materials provided were comprehensive and well-structured, making it easy for beginners like myself to follow along and grasp the key concepts. The exercises were thoughtfully designed to gradually build upon each other, ensuring a smooth learning curve for everyone involved.

Nagababu Sanapala
Nucor Steel USA

BRE’s always putting out the best training classes. I still feel great learning the materials, even though I have taken these classes before. Dr. Krouskop is the best instructor! Thank you, BRE!

Kha Mach
Matador Resources Company

This course was very informative. I learned more about the underlying processes and reactions with amine in two days training than I have in 10 years operating an amine system.

Steven McDowell
JGE Midstream

BRE 231 was a great refresher on overall theory related to amine sweetening/absorption and helpful in gaining an in depth understanding of operating parameters and sensitivities based on operating goals. This course was also very informative on modeling strategies for amine natural gas plants.

Jesse Cordum
Clearfork Midstream

Very interesting course. Pace was upbeat and good natured. No dull moments! Topics were explained in depth enough for good understanding without making it too convoluted.

Sonia Sébert
BCCK Engineering Inc.

I really enjoyed this course. Instructors, Jared and Peter, were phenomenal! Their enthusiasm kept my attention the entire time.

Erin Gonzales
West Texas Gas

Great course that looks at multiple setups and teaches great tools to incorporate into any simulation.

Jodi Ellis
CJE Environmental Consulting

This class was wonderful and the software is awesome. I can’t believe I have gone this long without ProMax.

Brian Farley
Harvest Midstream

The best training I’ve attended in over 12 years in various industries. It is also very reassuring that there will be so much support available after the training as well.

Travis Roberts

I would like to thank you very much for the PROMAX course. There's no shadow of a doubt, it was the best simulation course I took.

Definitely, PROMAX is the best. PROMAX is the most user-friendly simulation software I've ever come across. PROMAX is the easiest-to-use simulation software I have ever encountered.

Eduardo Silveira
Engineering Manager
JGE Midstream

Overall, this class was awesome. It was really nice to have someone sit down and walk through the basics of the program. Having just got out of college and using a different program in school; it felt daunting to learn a new software, but this was class was made simple and understandable by Jason. I feel very confident in my ability to figure out this software for whatever I need, and I know I can always reach out to support if they personally can’t figure it out.

Teagan Yake

The training has been excellent – top tier external engagement. Justin and Peter are great teachers and have been very helpful in learning the basics of ProMax. I have wanted to learn this software for a while now and finally feel equipped to unleash its power! The course was a good balance of content, paced appropriately, and provided the right amount of challenge for an engineer with some modelling/industry experience.

Erick Danyi

Stacy and Eric did a great job on the BRE 101 course. I appreciated their emphasis on how open and available BR&E is for supporting their customers. I also like the 2-instructor model where one instructor is able to move through the course content with the larger group while another instructor is able to help individuals who are falling behind. Instructors were also very knowledgeable in general process engineering along with the software knowledge.

Corey Mills

Love how these ProMax classes, especially the upper level classes, teach not only the software but also the process behind it. The training manuals are as good as gold. Great teaching, it is nice that the class teachers are also happy and excited to be here.

Zack Privitera
Gas Processors Inc.

Another great course with perfect balance between learning specific features of the software, and applying them to relevant models of established and emerging unit operations.

Michael Shaffron
Motive Engineering Company, Inc.

Training is always fabulous and non-threatening. Questions are always welcome and explained.

Mary Guinn
Vital Energy

I want to personally thank Jared Peterson for being incredibly supportive throughout my entire learning process of ProMax. His patience, availability, expertise, and technical aptitude have allowed me to execute design projects efficiently, expeditiously and with a high degree of accuracy.

I continue to recommend ProMax to everyone in my line of work as the preferred simulation software as a result of my positive experience with software capabilities and outstanding customer service.

Dan Morse
Renewable Energy Process Engineer
Tetra Tech

The 101 class was extremely helpful as a introduction to ProMax and its capabilities. The instructors took their time and ensured that everyone was on the correct path. They were exceptional.

Dante Denillo

Ashis, Dom, and Zack were friendly and easy to follow when I had questions or comments, they were quick to answer and help me understand what the issue was.

David Morris
Tug Hill

The presenting team did AMAZING! Although the team was young, they were incredibly knowledgeable and professional. They were also very patient and helpful when we had questions and issues with the software. They took the time to properly define and explain how things work and why things work, which I find incredibly more helpful and useful in trainings.

Nicole Rivinius

I like how detailed and thorough ProMax is with the setup and the amount of info it gives back. The customer service team behind ProMax is amazing! The class made me feel more comfortable and was very informative.

Bhavna Madhyani

This class was an awesome intro to using ProMax. Very clear, informative, full of tips and tricks to make the entire ProMax user experience enjoyable and easy.

Olivia Kuligoski

A good intro course that describes the basics of ProMax with enough information to go out and simulate on your own. I would come back for a higher level training course on other processes.

Matthew Salazar

Stacy Dieffenbach is awesome! It is so easy to follow her explanations. She is thorough, patient and is very knowledgeable on all associated subject matter. Her charisma and sense of humor are icing on the cake. I learned a ton and honestly enjoyed it very much.

Adrienne Gasiorowski
EOG Resources

Dr. Krouskop built a ProMax simulation for Richmond Refinery sour water plant in 2018 while I was managing the relief system revalidation and iPRSM migration project. His simulation came in very handy in 3Q2018 when the reboiler on the ammonia stripper column failed to operate properly. A direct steam injection system was devised, but there was a need to assure that the relief valve on the separator was adequate. All the while, the sour water could not be discharged because of the permit and was accumulating. The refinery shutdown would have been required because of the limited onsite storage capacity. Peter’s ProMax simulation was utilized to calculate the required steam flow to satisfy the discharge permit requirement and to assure the required capacity from steam injection did not exceed the existing valve capacity. This saved the refinery from shutting down, eliminating the potential transient conditions and saving millions of dollars.

Joong M. Yang, P.E.
Strategic Process Safety Audit Group
Chevron U.S.A., Inc.

Ashis has been instrumental in helping me navigate my way through Promax. I have always been met with kindness by Ashis and an eagerness to help with any problem. I would recommend Ashis to anybody who is looking for support as his assistance to me has been invaluable and I will continue to rely on his expertise in the future.

Kyle Wilson
Production Engineer
Hunt Oil Company

I’ve been throughly impressed with ProMax and its user friendliness. ProMax also predicts performance of Sulphur blocks really well. Most importantly, I love how they are not just a software company, but a consultancy firm as well. Their technical support and training have been top notch. From helping us to build entire models of facilities to sharing their invaluable experience, you can definitely rely on them. And all these are provided at no extra cost to us!

Process Advisor, Engineering Services

This was an excellent course taught by an excellent instructor. ProMax/BR&E always prepares wonderful training exercises that teach the user how to set up the models correctly and efficiently.

Every time I leave a BR&E training course I am a better user of the ProMax software.

Robert Cotton
EagleClaw Midstream

I’m very impressed with BR&E and ProMax! ProMax is very user-friendly, and it is readily apparent that a lot of good science and engineering went into the program. The level and quality of support is also outstanding! Stacy is wonderful - she is very knowledgeable and well-spoken. I’m very satisfied with this training course, and I look forward to using ProMax more in the future!

Kirsten Marble
Extraction Oil & Gas

I love the team teaching approach. Stacy and Matt were fantastic. The interactive approach makes it much more interesting and useful than if we just received lectures. Overall, Excellent Job!

Ryan Proctor

BR&E support has helped me immensely in setting up a recent Cryogenic Gas Processing model. They took my concept of critical variables for the operation of a Recycle Split Vapor (RSV) Cryogenic plant and programmed the critical points for easy and convenient determination when running the model. This model will be used to develop operational plans for switching between ethane recovery and rejection when we build the plant as well as test its operational and mechanical limits.

The support team was very knowledgeable concerning the RSV process design and he communicated the process and its variables very well as they worked on development of the model. This is why I appreciate the ProMax simulation software. Even better, they were knowledgeable about the programming approach to take within the model to establish the process limits using multiple variables.

The knowledge and service behind the software makes it the very best tool for the process work and operations we deal with at Aka Energy.

Randal Askey
Aka Energy LLC

I really enjoy and appreciate the classes and help offered by BR&E. It makes using and efficiently applying ProMax easier and less stressful.

Meghan Way
Air Basics, Inc.

Great instructors, knowledgeable, friendly, and passionate!

Kaylie Hughes
Kahuna Ventures

Good course- BR&E personnel are outstanding!

Frank A Croshal

Fantastic course! Great instruction and very helpful instructors who made it easier to understand. I felt very comfortable asking questions.

Jacque Rodriguez

Great presenters. Very knowledgeable about ProMax and the ways to use the software. Best I’ve seen.

Jake Mattera

Great material to learn how to use the software. I look forward to more advanced training, and learning the capabilities of the software.

Fernando Pedraza

Very well presented! Pace of the course was perfect and the material covered was great for an introductory course.

Chris Clausen
GasTech Engineering LLC

Thanks for a useful and wonderful class. Good depth of coverage, good pace, and good delivery.

Andy Moore
Windward Engineering

Course and instructor were good for my engineering group. I believe they were challenged and learned new things about this powerful tool.

Travis Bower

Great class! Plenty of helpful tips and knowledge for a first time user. Looking forward to the update and the additional work it will give me!

Ryan Hornak
Alta Mesa Holdings, LP

Great course….great program…great material…great instructors… Thanks!

Brett Davis
Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality

I LOVED this class! I learned a lot about how to use ProMax and about the engineering and oil and gas knowledge behind all the program capabilities.

Stephanie Ellis
PDC Energy

Great course, very thoroughly explained all aspects of curriculum and went through exercises in great detail.

Sean Khazael

I have had experience with other process simulation software. This software seems more logical and user-friendly than the software that I used previously. I was impressed with the knowledge base of both instructors including the utilization of the software and how to apply it.

Valerie Plachy
Tetra Tech

Good course. Knowledgeable instructors. All the individual help that you need is cheerfully provided.

Tracy Moore
Ramboll Environ

The instructors were very knowledgeable, helpful, and genuinely concerned about the attendees understanding the training and being able to correctly use the software for their various needs in the future.

Grant Morgan

I learned a lot from Jordan and Zach about plants. I took more away from this class than most because of the in-depth explanation of not only the "why" but the "how" gas plants work.

Wade Childress
Caiman/ Blue Racer

This is a really helpful course for all levels of engineers.

Charles Leary
Hunt Oil

Zach, Stacy, and the whole team did an outstanding job covering a broad overview of the software with relevant examples that illustrated the functionality of the software. They were patient, all willing to field any questions. I will definitely recommend this course to any new engineer or employee who will need to run simulations.

Bryan Jackson

I absolutely love this program, and can see the massive potential it has in assisting with calculating, modeling, problem solving, and planning. I would love to learn more about it.

John Dupre
Louisiana Dept. of Environmental Quality

Great course. Every question well-addressed by both instructors. Impressed by basic additional training and explanations shared about other processes in gas processing and sulfur recovery. I learned the clear capabilities and benefits of using the ProMax simulation tool and the access to your knowledgeable support team.

Elena Truffa
UOP - Honeywell

Very helpful course to get a basic understanding of the ProMax software and the user interface. I like the connection with Microsoft Office.

David Stroh

Awesome course, learned a ton that will be directly useful in my work, and things that may be useful in my future as well.

David Winski

The class was enjoyable. The BR&E employees were very approachable and knew how to troubleshoot all problems. Jordan was very knowledgeable and friendly. Thank you for this opportunity.

Hailee Smith
Energy Transfer

Overall, ProMax is very user-friendly and easy to use. I like that the software provides information that I would normally need to figure by hand, such as line sizing and pressure profiles along pipes. I also like how Excel is incorporated into the software to provide easy extraction of data.

Bryson Powers

Very well taught! You guys had an incredible amount of patience and were able to explain in terms everyone can understand.

Katherine Ramsey
EnLink Midstream

An excellent course delivered by a competent instructor. The course was at a good pace and the instructor was very helpful with questions and help on any topic. The instructor made the course – very knowledgeable and good at explaining.

Syed Mohamid Raza Quadri
Abu Dhabi Gas Development Company

Thank you for coming to our office to offer this training. I hope we can host another course in the future.

Scott Sauter
Apache Corporation

ProMax has been a useful tool for our company. I would emphasize how well the results compare to other simulators in the market as well as the prompt responses from the BR&E Technical Support team for our particular requirements. They have helped us build custom reports and VBA code to solve particular simulation issues, process simulation templates for recurring jobs and highly customized simulation models for not-so-common applications in our industry. These tools have not only improved our decision making process, but also have saved us time in our projects’ workflow.

Luis A. Torres Melchor, P.E.
ARC Energy Consulting

The ProMax report generator saves me a lot of time when I am putting together heat and material balances for clients for units simulated by ProMax. I can export all of the composition and property data I need for the whole model all at once, spending five minutes instead of hours. BR&E even made the template for us to our specifications.

David Winski

The custom heat and material balance report that BR&E provided us has saved us a considerable amount of time. We worked with them through a few variations in order to get a report that perfectly satisfies our internal and external (client) needs. The report exports what we need into Excel and then the Excel macro applies consistent formatting. Once we get our model completed, each report takes us less than 5 minutes to run, format and publish. When our model is updated, we are able to easily re-run the report and generate a new heat and material balance in a flash.

Marta West, PE
Samuel Engineering

Excellent course with a very clear explanation of the Turbo Expander process developed step-by-step from JT process. I would highly recommend this course for all process engineers who would like to do gas processing, especially in NGL extraction.

Toan Nguyen
Universal Pegasus International

Great introductory course to ProMax. Good overview of the program’s capabilities. [The instructor] did a great job explaining the functionality and helping us understand how ProMax could be best used for our purposes.

Alyssa Najewicz
Sunoco Logistics

Good course. I had never used ProMax before and now I feel confident to use it. The examples are super helpful and I’m glad to see that the help button is so well done.

Colin Harkins
Air Basics

I thought all of the presenters were very knowledgeable and explained complex material in a fun, easy to understand format. Thanks for a great class!

Jesse Snyder
Summit Midstream

The scope of capabilities of ProMax is vast. This is a good foundation class that stresses inputs and good practices. I think it will serve as a good base for more particular modeling within ProMax.

Matt Svitak
Devon Energy

I love the clear step-by-step discussion when solving the examples. I feel like the instructor creates an environment where I feel comfortable asking questions as she progresses through the example. I also appreciate that we utilize the pre-programmed examples and not just the course exercises because it helps me get familiar with all that is available to me.

Maggie Leuck

Very good course. Kudos for providing continued excellent support to the industry.

Arun Parihar
DSME Offshore Eng Corp

Enjoyed the course; All ProMax personnel have been very helpful and know the software very well.

David Parsons
Gas Processing, Inc.

Very helpful session; ProMax is quickly becoming our go-to process simulator. I greatly appreciate the willingness to help the users succeed in our projects.

Jung Choi
GIS Engineering

Great introduction to ProMax and applicability to air compliance. Very informative, patient, and knowledgeable instructor. Worked very well as a team.

Ken Villena

ProMax training has helped immensely, it opens so many doors for future projects.

Grant Sullivan
Canyon Midstream Partners

One of the best trainings I have been to. Kept us engaged throughout and allowed us to set the pace of the learning.

Kayla Albus
Marathon (MPLX)

Great course! Simple enough to use it without additional training. Entertaining and covers applicable scenarios.

Thomas Fuller

I have truly enjoyed this training. Even though I had never used ProMax before, I picked up things quickly. All of you were extremely helpful, very knowledgeable and made us think through all the material versus just giving an answer.

Diane Stephanie Holton
Chiyoda International Corporation

Excellent instructor: knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and friendly. Best simulation software course I have attended.

Steven O’Krancy
Worley Parsons

Great job! As an operations engineer, I wasn’t sure how much of this class would apply to me, but most all of it did! Good pace and explanation!

Regan Winstead
Energy Transfer

Great introduction to ProMax and applicability to Air compliance. Very informative, patient, and knowledgeable instructor. Worked very well as a team.

Ken Villena

The BR&E engineers are full of answers and very helpful. I can’t express how much I appreciate the learning opportunities.

Chris Olson

Best training I have received to date from any company, both in covering ProMax and process details.

Edward McDowell
Enterprise Products

I thought the course was educational, engaging, and interesting. The instructors were phenomenal and seemed knowledgeable on all subjects/issues that came up. I will continue to recommend that Black & Veatch new professionals take this course.

Amanda O’Dell
Black & Veatch

I really like that ProMax interfaces with Microsoft Office. It is nice to use ProMax’s powerful software with the familiar formatting/interface of programs such as Visio and Excel.

Scott Tettambel
Black & Veatch

The instructors were fantastic. Very helpful and informative! I could tell that they genuinely care about their product. This was 3 days well spent!

Nathan Duda
Black & Veatch

Great tech support and a great software, made possible by great people! Thank you!

Chuck Sheppard
Select Engineering

The [BRE 101: Oil & Gas] was a very good course. The trainer was outstanding with pace, monitoring, keys, and making sure that information was delivered clearly and specifically. The trainer’s help definitely kept the class moving forward, providing individual attention as needed. I look forward to taking additional courses.

Charles Massingale
DCP Midstream

BR&E has an extremely knowledgeable staff with interpersonal skills that are hard to come by. Excellent presenters at the course.

Eric Braithwaite
Halff Tritex, Inc.

This has been an excellent class for me as someone who has never used ProMax before. Of the dozen courses I have taken in my Facilities Engineer career, I would rate this towards the top. I enjoyed practicing on relevant examples, using sample files, and the openness of the instructors throughout the course. The instructors were very good at clearly and intuitively explaining the topics and concepts.

Bryan McCurry
Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc.

The BRE 201 Gas Processing was a great course with great instructors. I would highly recommend this course.

Andy Moore, P.E.
Windward Engineering PLLC

The LNG course was excellent and the presentation and presenters were great. The course was challenging in a good way, delivering knowledge and training at an advanced level. The presenter’s know-how was evident, and increased the value gained from the course.

John McHugh
Eni E&P Engineering, Ltd.

Excellent learning exercises. Thanks to BR&E for providing opportunities to learn and understand ProMax simulation software in this difficult economic time.

Rupesh Soni

Your one-on-one guidance makes the course very productive particularly for the less experienced. I started as a infrequent user, but am now very confident of handling complex projects.

Kurma Tata

This course was well worth my time. As a new engineer, I found the software more user-friendly than expected, and every time someone in class identified an area for improvement, it seemed the fix was coming out already. The examples were useful and accompanied by sufficient explanation to learn about ProMax, even where the concepts were something I don’t usually encounter at work.

Chelsea Grimm
EOG Resources

Class moved quickly and covered a lot of material. The speed of the course was ideal to cover the maximum amount of material while making sure the class didn’t consume too many working days. The instructors were excellent and very helpful.

Greg Simmons

The course [Level 2: Gas Processing] was very helpful and informative. BR&E customer service never disappoints.

Cameron Berg
Energy Transfer

I appreciate the course instructor. Not only did he go over how to use ProMax, but he went over the Engineering aspect which was a good refresher. I would recommend this course to my colleagues.

Fadekemi Osideinde
Hunt, Guillot and Associates

This is the most user friendly process simulator I have been exposed to and also your team does a top notch job at helping people learn to use it.

Wayne Shortle
Southwestern Energy

Upon completion of this course, I feel confident with the program. Instructors were fantastic. This is easily the best training I’ve ever been to!

Traci Mikes
EOG Resources, Inc.

We hosted the BR&E ProMax Level 1 training class last week in Baton Rouge. I have been to several of your training classes hosted by Cory in the past. I had a great appreciation for Cory, as did many of my colleagues. We were doubtful that anyone could fill his boots so to speak. However, everyone in our group was thoroughly impressed with Zach and Stacy. They did a wonderful job of conducting the course. They also did a great job of handling some rather difficult questions, and they followed those questions up with research and one-on-one discussion during breaks. It was a good learning experience, even for those of us with years of ProMax modeling in the natural gas industry.

I would say that BR&E has the best training and customer technical support available in the simulation industry. Your team is always a pleasure to work with and extremely knowledgeable. These two certainly represented your company very well in my opinion.

Shaun McKay, P.E.
Principal Process Engineer
Oil and Gas
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

I have to thank BR&E for providing VBA extensibility in Promax, it's such a great and easy way of playing and handling nearly all simulator parameters that any chemical process engineer would ever like to.

Optimization and automatization tasks are so easy to achieve and absolutely fun to code. Microsoft Visio and Excel built-in support allows flawless integration and naturally drives coding-prone users to use powerful languages like C# and Visual Basic .NET.

In my company I have personally coded in VBA and .NET to access and use the Promax object model directly in the simulation or in order to develop stand-alone executables which we currently use to minimize human-error and simulation development time. What a great tool!

Mauro A. Galbiati
Process Engineers Coordinator
Siirtec Nigi S.p.A.
Milan, Italy

The VBA interactions with ProMax features enables us to quickly transfer data to and from our ACTS application, greatly reducing transcription errors and providing a much more seamless experience for users of both ACTS and ProMax.

Gregory George
Head of Product Development
Ecocion, Inc.
Denver, Colorado

Besides being a vital tool to determine and evaluate different gas treating processes, ProMax offers a great deal of technical support with very short response times and comprehensive follow up. In DYPROTEC we use [ProMax] for dew-point control analyses, dehydration, and naphtha stabilization to evaluate the feasibility of projects. Additionally, ProMax allows us to verify the operating conditions and the efficiency of processes already installed, so we can offer outstanding support to our clients. We are very happy with the software, service and support that ProMax brings to our company.

Adriana Cano Andrade
Sr. Process Engineer
DYPROTEC, Colombia

I have found Bryan Research & Engineering to be a very helpful company. Their product, ProMax, is intuitive and adaptable – two adjectives not typically given to process simulators. BR&E’s real strength comes from their staff, a uniquely competent and well-trained group of engineers. The staff is able to quickly and easily demonstrate the power of ProMax. In my experience, I have been able to increasingly propose alternative solutions by talking with BR&E’s engineering staff. I highly recommend their products and people.

Dennis Lindberg
Senior Facilities Engineer
SM Energy
Billings, Montana

I am an oil and gas facilities engineer and construction project manager. I have used ProMax® for several years and really enjoy BR&E’s software and incredible customer support. Recently, I needed a process simulation of a complex facility (amine, dehy, cryo, stabilization) we planned to build. I needed the ability to accurately simulate off-design situations such as alternate gas sources and varying inlet flow rates to assure the design was employing adequately-sized equipment. Building a model of this complexity is something I could not efficiently do even if I had the time to work on it.

The folks at BR&E are really good at this sort of work, so I called just to see how much they would charge to model this facility according to my requirements. I was delightfully surprised to learn that they do [build models] for free for their operating company clients. My BR&E salesman prepared the model in a very reasonable amount of time. He was very helpful at answering my questions about the simulation and making slight modifications as needed. The model’s detail and simplicity exceeded my expectations and the staff answered all of my questions.

In the past, I have attended several of their free training classes. I’ve always had great technical support for simulations or even gas processing questions. You might think you are simply leasing simulation software with BR&E, but you are actually getting much more (valuable service and gas processing expertise) when you choose ProMax®.

Raymond E. Penderson, P.E.
Senior Engineer
Atlas Pipeline Mid-Continent, LLC
Tulsa, Oklahoma (USA)

I want to sincerely thank you for all your support and to BR&E for ProMax. With 150 plus Mechanical Refrigeration Units (MRU’s) in the field operating over a wide range of conditions, the software is proving itself invaluable in sizing the applications. The estimated liquid recoveries and operating conditions allow us to provide quotes and applications with confidence and accuracy. We also used ProMax extensively in the design of a new MRU capable of processing up to 15 mmscf/day, as well as a fleet of NGL stabilizers that will be available in the near future. These results were used to provide solid supporting documentation for AFE’s and final approval to proceed with the build out of these new MRU’s.

At this time we run seven to ten applications a week, with multiple cases per application. To date, we have not set an MRU or stabilizer that did not perform as [modeled]. We also use ProMax to provide updates and forecasts to operators whose conditions are changing. This allows us to forecast when we need to upsize or downsize the MRU’s to continue providing the best MRU for the application. Again, this would not have been possible without the ability to perform rigorous modeling of the heat exchanger duties and pressure drops.

Tim Shackelford
Kinder Morgan Treating
Tyler, Texas

The ProMax software provided by Bryan Research & Engineering has been used as a process tool by Gas Liquids Engineering for almost 20 years. BR&E continues to improve their software accuracy year after year in the areas we are concerned, giving us more confidence to effectively satisfy our clients’ needs. Perhaps the greatest tangible benefit is their excellent customer support. We can and do depend on them to quickly and effectively answer our simulation issues. I would not want to operate our business without this simulation tool and BR&E’s services in our arsenal.

Jim Maddocks, P.Eng., PMP
V.P., Engineering
Gas Liquids Engineering Ltd.

The model helped us to make a final project decision and we were able to remove the proposed new amine column completely. We were able to predict the real impact on mercaptans carry-over into our sales gas more confidently using ProMax. The total project savings amounted to approximately $24 million. With your help we were able to complete three months of engineering work in half the time.

…I am proficient with [a number of process simulators], but I never receive the technical assistance like I have experienced with BR&E. In most cases I am satisfied if they can simply solve my technical problem, but with BR&E, I experience something extra and we at WorleyParsons Kazakhstan appreciate it.

Vernon Adams
Sr. Process Engineer
WorleyParsons Kazakhstan, LLP

I have been using ProMax for over a year to design gas processing and treating plants as a process engineer and primary simulation expert at S-Con, Inc. BR&E provides unparalleled technical support and assistance. They have been extremely receptive to my requests for improvements to the program and have delivered rapid results. ProMax is an essential tool that I use on a daily basis and it is with great pleasure that I recommend the software.

Adam R. Baxter, P.E.
Process Engineer
S-Con, Inc.
Bryan, Texas

I would like to compliment you and your company on the excellent software package you developed. I've experienced other process simulation software in the past and have yet to find one that equals the accuracy and user friendliness of ProMax. This software has literally rejuvenated my love for engineering. This software, used in conjunction with a solid understanding of basic engineering principle, is a very effective tool. I've simulated most all the processes within our company and continue to be amazed on how closely I'm able to match actual plant conditions. The facilities that are using my simulation information to operate their Cryo process are seeing significant recovery improvements and are amazed themselves by the accuracy. I actually have plant operators (30 year vets) that are running outside their normal operating parameters and are achieving recoveries that were once thought unachievable.

This software is literally affecting our bottom line and is worth every penny..............

Guy Gage
Southern Union Company

ProMax is one of the best Process Simulators I have ever used. It is accurate, technologically advanced, creates awesome reports and is easy to use.

The technical support is very good, usually I receive an answer in minutes. I feel like they are part of my team.

Manuel Del Villar
Sr Process/Specialist Engineer
ICA Fluor

The highlight of this professional hands-on training was having knowledgeable, efficient instructors and assistants available. The exercises are well-designed and enriched with information that makes the training very useful.

Jie Yu
Houston, TX

I am a veteran Process Engineer and Consultant (Chemical) with over 18 years of experience in several major industries (from tall oil/vacuum distillation to natural gas/oil refining; both processing and design).

As a result, I am very familiar with most, if not all, of the process simulators in the market place. I can assure you, one cannot find a single product in the market place that delivers the total package for process simulation like BR&E’s ProMax does.

ProMax is easy to use and implement. I have peers in other engineering disciplines [who use ProMax] that are up and running in-depth constraint and design calculations in hours. Anyone who can use a Windows product with a desire to learn the package will be successful. The learning curve is almost non-existent. What learning curve there is can be picked up by new engineers within hours or days. To top it off, if one runs into “snags”, the technical support is without equal and your problem will likely be solved over a phone call in minutes.

Finally, if one looks at “bang for the buck” for your process simulation dollar, BR&E’s ProMax is so far ahead of anything I am aware of in the market place that they are not on the same planet. You cannot go wrong if you invest your process simulation budget in BR&E software.

Rob Wood
Asset Engineer
DCP Midstream
Ruston, LA

We are using ProMax® for various troubleshooting projects and for developing schemes related to profit and reliability. We found this software excellent in predicting reliable results and it is quite user friendly. We are quite satisfied with the training and support provided by the technical department of Bryan Research & Engineering. We are looking forward to more training programs in India in the future.

Koonal Basu
Central Technical Services
Sulphur Complex (SEZ)
Reliance Industries Limited
Jamnagar, Gujarat (India)

We have used ProMax® for over five years to successfully simulate, model, design and optimize gas sweetening units as well as gas dehydration plants. Indeed, as a company specialized in the gas treating area in Venezuela, we are very satisfied with the use of this simulation package. The software is easy and user friendly. BR&E offers continuous and valuable technical assistance when customers are trying to setup a simulation or cases where a tailored report is needed.

M.S. ChE Carlos E. Garcia C.
Technical Manager
International Procurement Services, IPS, C.A.

BR&E not only provides the highest quality and accurate software for gas processing and treatment, but has really built its reputation within Saudi Aramco as a top notch resource for outstanding technical support. The level of knowledge BR&E has, especially about sour gas processes, is only surpassed by their willingness to share it with us out of a genuine desire to improve our engineers and our operations. BR&E has trained well over 30 of our engineers, with the most common feedback being BR&E’s desire not to just teach us how to use a simulator, but how to improve our engineering skills and plant operations.

I whole-heartedly recommend any company or engineer with the opportunity to use ProMax to do so. You will be impressed with the level of service and support you will receive, not to mention the precision ProMax provides. ProMax is not just a simulator. It is an entire team of process engineers working for you. Quite simply, BR&E cares about your company’s success.

Ismail Alami
Supervisor, Gas Processing
Saudi Aramco
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

For more than 10 years, BR&E through PROSIM/TSWEET and now ProMax has helped us in all our projects specifically those related to Amine units and Claus units. [ProMax] is a very powerful tool that helps us reach our goals.

Phillip Albrecht
Head of Process Engineering

During the first half of 2011 we commissioned an amine gas sweetening plant in Lekhwair, North Oman. For more than 3 months, the operations and commissioning team could not achieve stable operation of the amine train due to continuous foaming of solution in the contactor. There were signs of hydrocarbon entrainment; however, the team could not understand how this was happening since the dT between the lean amine and the sour gas was kept at a safe margin to insure no HC condensation in the absorber. The output of the amine plant model, which was built using ProMax® by our young engineer Zamzam Amry, gave us the first clue that some HC can still be absorbed by active MDEA. To tackle this issue, the commissioning team dropped the amine circulation rate from a design set point. As a result, the gas sweetening process was immediately stabilized. The plant was successfully commissioned shortly thereafter. Later, Zamzam further studied the phenomena by modeling the same situation using ProMax and another simulator. Only the ProMax model accurately reflected the issue and realistically predicted the process behavior. I would also like to compliment the user-friendly design of ProMax as well as the excellent customer support we continuously receive from Bryan Research & Engineering.

Yerbol Seifullin
Sr. Process Engineer
Process Optimization Support Team
Petroleum Development of Oman LLC