Training Course Agendas

All of our training courses are provided at no charge.

These course agendas are a representation of the course material presented for the specific classes. All material is subject to change depending on the specific needs of the clients at each course.

BRE 600: Webinar – IPR & Downhole Nodal Analysis

Upcoming Sessions

7/29/2020 - 7/29/2020Online - - Asia

This webinar will cover the basics of Nodal Analysis and how to perform this analysis with ProMax. The new ProMax IPR stream analysis will be discussed and implemented, along with a full-scale production well model to discover insights on production optimization. We will also walk through the procedure of modeling gas lift, and the various ways these systems will impact production. Access to ProMax is not needed for this webinar, which will take approximately 1 hour. The webinar is hosted over WebEx, and information on how to connect to the session will be provided after registration. For more information about a particular BRE 600: Webinar course please Contact Training.


  • None


  • Introduction to the concept of Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) and the ProMax IPR stream analysis
  • Discussion of vertical wellbore flow modeling
  • Walkthrough of setting up a ProMax model to perform nodal analysis of a wellsite
  • How to use these nodal analysis models to optimize production and predict the effects of artificial lift