Training Course Agendas

All of our training courses are provided at no charge.

These course agendas are a representation of the course material presented for the specific classes. All material is subject to change depending on the specific needs of the clients at each course. Please contact Bryan Research & Engineering for additional information on any training session.

BRE 141: Sustainable Hydrogen Technologies

Introduction to Hydrogen Production and Process Simulation

Upcoming Sessions

5/28/2025 - 5/29/2025Online - - North & South America


This course introduces the concepts of grey, blue, and green hydrogen production along with potential storage and use applications. Specific topics include steam-methane reforming, carbon capture through amines, pressure swing adsorption, carbon dioxide compression and injection, electrolysis of water, a fuel cell, blending hydrogen into natural gas pipelines, ammonia production, and ammonia cracking. Each process is discussed with emphasis on common specifications, rules-of-thumb, and product requirements.

The basics of process simulation are also discussed, along with many capabilities and features of ProMax that can be used for design, optimization, and automation. Techniques and methods used in developing simulation models for plants and facilities will be covered. The course is designed to demonstrate the benefits ProMax can provide for hydrogen facilities and application of process simulation through hands-on implementation.

Attendees will learn:

  • Basics of hydrogen production technologies
  • Potential storage and use options for hydrogen energy
  • Capabilities and features of ProMax simulation software
  • Facility modeling techniques and methods
  • Common process design and operational practices


  • None


  • Instructor-led demonstrations
  • Hands-on simulation
  • Question-Answer
  • Open floor discussion


Installation of ProMax

The first step in all courses is to verify that ProMax is properly installed on each attendee’s computer.

Introduction to Hydrogen Energy Technologies Using ProMax
  • Exercise 1: Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) – Introduces the basic concepts of ProMax, including how to draw and configure processes quickly and neatly. Demonstrates methods for displaying process information directly on the flowsheet. Introduces reactor blocks and provides guidance on how to properly set up and specify a Gibbs Minimization Reactor.
  • Exercise 2: Water-Gas Shift (WGS) – Expands on the previous exercise by constraining a Gibbs Minimization reaction. Additionally, presents ProMax functionality regarding multiple flowsheets and environments within the same project.
  • Exercise 3: CO2 Removal – Outlines the basics for modeling amine sweeting in ProMax, and demonstrates the various blocks used in this type of model and their proper inputs. Introduces process stream analyses with the amine analysis on rich and lean amine streams.
  • Exercise 4: Pressure Swing Adsorber (PSA)/CO2 Capture – Demonstrates the use of a divider block to generalize a process unit when a detailed model is not needed and introduces the line sizing analysis for process streams.
  • Exercise 5: CO2 Compression and Injection – Demonstrates how to export projects and append them into a single ProMax file. Shows how to model a compressor station with inter-stage cooling and liquid knockout and describes the details and options available within the ProMax Pipeline block. Teaches use of simple specifiers to control certain process parameters as functions of other known parameters. Discusses hydrate/solid formation and phase envelopes for streams.
  • Exercise 6: Electrolysis and Fuel Cell – Introduces attendees to modeling electrolyzers and fuel cells using Reaction Sets and a Conversion Reactor. Provides Simple Specifier practice and ties in User Value Sets to use as global variables. Presents how to run case studies and analyze trends using the Scenario Tool®.
  • Exercise 7: Pipeline Blending and Compression – Examines the impact on energy content, compressor power, and pipe sizing from blending hydrogen into natural gas pipelines.
  • Exercise 8: Ammonia Production – The ammonia reaction is modeled using kinetic rate constants and rate expressions. Discusses the necessary information for simulating kinetic reactions and how to input that information in ProMax. Also introduces Simple Solvers which automatically adjust certain process parameters to achieve desired results in downstream operation.
  • Exercise 9: Ammonia Cracking and Membrane Separation – Reinforces knowledge on setting up a Gibbs Minimization Reactor by modeling the production of hydrogen from ammonia. Introduces gas separation using the membrane block.
Notes About the Agenda:

Our agenda is provided to give the approximate material to be covered in the course, in the approximate order it will be covered. All courses we provide will be tailored to the needs of the host company providing the training accommodations, as well as the needs of the course attendees. Some courses may cover additional topics, while some may cover less than indicated in the agenda.

Some courses may be shortened to one or two days when represented by a three-day agenda. These courses will typically cover both process simulation and process optimization topics, but will exclude several exercises. Please contact our training team here: Contact Training, or through the consulting engineer for your region, for specific information for any course.