Training Course Agendas

All of our training courses are provided at no charge.

These course agendas are a representation of the course material presented for the specific classes. All material is subject to change depending on the specific needs of the clients at each course. Please contact Bryan Research & Engineering for additional information on any training session.

BRE 251: Pipelines

Introduction to Pipelines and Process Simulation

Upcoming Sessions

4/2/2025 - 4/3/2025Tulsa - OK - USA


The Pipelines course explores hydraulic pipeline modeling with ProMax® including GIS data incorporation into a simulation, compressor station models, hydrate formation, multi-phase fluid flow through pipes, and pipe leak calculations.

Attendees will learn:

  • Specific applications of ProMax and its features with regards to pipeline modeling
  • Capabilities and features of ProMax simulation software
  • Pipeline modeling techniques and methods
  • Uses and applications of the ProMax GIS Tool and Flowsheet Tool


  • Any 100 level course or equivalent experience
  • Understanding of ProMax specifiers, solvers, and Scenario Tool


  • Instructor-led demonstrations
  • Hands-on simulation
  • Question-Answer
  • Open floor discussion


Installation of ProMax

The first step in all courses is to verify that ProMax is properly installed on each attendee’s computer.

Introduction and Overview
  • Exercise 1: Pipeline Simulation – Introduces building basic pipeline models in ProMax to determine hydraulic and heat transfer calculations throughout the lines.
  • Exercise 2: Compressor Station – Shows how to model a compressor station with inter-stage cooling and liquid knockouts.
Pipeline modeling with the ProMax GIS Tool
  • Exercise 3: Basic Geographic Information System (GIS) Drawing – This exercise shows how to construct a simple gathering network in Google Earth or the GIS Tool, and how to export this data to a keyhole markup language (*.kmz, *.kml) file.
  • Exercise 4: ProMax Model from GIS Data – Walks through specifying and solving a system using the Flowsheet Tool.
  • Exercise 5: Methanol Injection – Shows how to use Scenario Tool to study and optimize the addition of methanol to prevent hydrate formation.
Advanced GIS Tool Capabilities
  • Exercise 6: GIS Data: Network Problem Solving - Attendees will learn how to manipulate GIS data to optimize model creation inside of the GIS Tool.
  • Exercise 7: Importing Raw Data - Discusses how to import raw data forms of GIS information (not *.kmz or *.kml sources).
  • Exercise 8: Importing Shapefiles - Walks through importing shapefiles into the GIS Tool, and discusses how to directly identify and assign coordinate reference systems.
Using ProMax Hydraulic Models for Engineering Purposes
  • Exercise 9: Transmission Pipeline - Addresses typical questions when building transmission pipelines, such as determining compressor station locations and liquid dropout.
  • Exercise 10: Model Tuning - Attendees will learn the best way to match ProMax pipeline models to known data.
Notes About the Agenda:

Our agenda is provided to give the approximate material to be covered in the course, in the approximate order it will be covered. All courses we provide will be tailored to the needs of the host company providing the training accommodations, as well as the needs of the course attendees. Some courses may cover additional topics, while some may cover less than indicated in the agenda.

Some courses may be shortened to one or two days when represented by a three-day agenda. These courses will typically cover both process simulation and process optimization topics, but will exclude several exercises. Please contact our training team here: Contact Training, or through the consulting engineer for your region, for specific information for any course.