Training Course Agendas

All of our training courses are provided at no charge.

These course agendas are a representation of the course material presented for the specific classes. All material is subject to change depending on the specific needs of the clients at each course. Please contact Bryan Research & Engineering for additional information on any training session.

BRE 202: LNG

Upcoming Sessions

5/6/2025 - 5/7/2025Online - - North & South America


The LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) course includes an in-depth discussion of the various technologies used in the liquefaction and revaporization of natural gas, including cascade refrigeration systems, mixed refrigerants, and nitrogen expander cycles. These systems are compared using ProMax® models, and the revaporization techniques of open rack, submerged combustion, and intermediate fluid vaporization are also explained and demonstrated.

Clients are provided with hands-on opportunities to model the refrigeration technologies mentioned above and to observe the effects of multiple stages with inter-stage cooling, economizers, subcooling, and superheating on the refrigeration processes. The development of a mixed refrigerant is also presented, allowing the exploration of a composition with the lowest energy requirements. The course also presents modeling techniques that make extensive use of the propagation terminal, solvers, specifiers, and the Scenario Tool® found in the ProMax modeling software.

Attendees will learn:

  • Specific applications of ProMax and its features with regards to liquefied natural gas (LNG) processes
  • Applications of the ProMax software to solve complex refrigeration networks


  • Any 100 level course or equivalent experience
  • Understanding of ProMax specifiers, solvers, and Scenario Tool


  • Instructor-led demonstrations
  • Hands-on simulation
  • Question-Answer
  • Open floor discussion


Installation of ProMax

The first step in all courses is to verify that ProMax is properly installed on each attendee’s computer.

Natural Gas Liquefaction Processes Using ProMax
  • Exercise 1: LNG Fundamentals – This exercise reviews some fundamental concepts of LNG and also covers the various simulation tools that will be used in subsequent exercises (specifiers, solvers, propagation terminals, etc.).
  • Exercise 2: Basic Refrigeration Cycle – This exercise introduces the basic concepts of liquefaction using the simple cascade process.
  • Exercise 3: Optimized Cascade Process – This exercise explores a more complex refrigeration loop with three refrigerants and multiple stages of compression on each stage. This exercise includes power optimization and extensive heat integration. A full complex cascade example is demonstrated utilizing compound cooling curves and advanced solvers and specifiers.
  • Exercise 4: Mixed Refrigerant Process – This exercise examines the behavior and optimization of mixed refrigerant liquefaction. Effects of refrigerant composition and solver strategy are demonstrated. In addition to the single stage mixed refrigerant process, the C3MR process is also reviewed.
  • Exercise 5: Nitrogen Turboexpansion Process - This exercise looks at single and dual nitrogen expansion processes and their unique performance behavior.
Other LNG-Related Processes
  • Exercise 6: Heavy Hydrocarbon Removal – An NGL column is incorporated into a refrigeration system to meet product specification. This will demonstrate optional column specification and solution strategies.
  • Exercise 7: Vaporization Processes – The combustion-driven and air/water heated processes are simulated. A boiloff gas condenser is also considered.
  • Exercise 8: Amine Treating for CO2 – Gas sweetening is covered with emphasis on CO2 removal. A variety of solvents are reviewed for performance in terms of effectiveness and energy demand.
Notes About the Agenda:

Our agenda is provided to give the approximate material to be covered in the course, in the approximate order it will be covered. All courses we provide will be tailored to the needs of the host company providing the training accommodations, as well as the needs of the course attendees. Some courses may cover additional topics, while some may cover less than indicated in the agenda.

Some courses may be shortened to one or two days when represented by a three-day agenda. These courses will typically cover both process simulation and process optimization topics, but will exclude several exercises. Please contact our training team here: Contact Training, or through the consulting engineer for your region, for specific information for any course.