BR&E ProMax Training




Dear %Attendee%,

Thank you for registering for our ProMax training session. This training session is currently at full capacity and you have been placed on a waiting list for attendance.

If there are any cancellations, we will fill those seats with registrants on the waiting list. We always check with our current attendees a few days before the start of the training session to confirm their plans for attending. If at any point you are moved from the “waiting list” to the “current attendees” roster, you will be sent an additional email confirmation notifying you of the change. If you can no longer make it to the session, please let me know so that others on the waiting list may have the chance to attend.

If you have any questions, please contact me at 1-979-776-5220, or at %TrainingContactEmail%.

Thank you again for registering.

Best Regards,


Bryan Research & Engineering, LLC

3131 Briarcrest Drive

Bryan, Texas 77802
